Worship, A place where God will meet you!

Can you believe it? God wants to meet with you. God is looking for all of His children.

By reading the book of Exodus, we glean into our heavenly experience, here on earth (Hebrews 8:1-5). Do you know that earth reflects heaven? That’s why Jesus explained it from Matthew 6:10 which said, “…Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

They are worshipping in heaven, you should do the same on earth.

We will worship the Lamb, and the Creator of this universe in Heaven. So why not now! If they are worshipping in heaven, you should do the same on earth. To help you to understand a little more, let’s look at Exodus. It is about establishing the Tabernacle. When God called the people of Israel out of Egypt and they began to wander in the wilderness, He wanted them to focus on worshipping Him. He told Moses to set up a place of worship; we called “The Tabernacle, or Temple of Worship,” To give you an idea of the priority that God set on this place of worship, consider that it takes seven chapters for God to discuss all the guidelines. Do you know that was a total of 243 verses? If this is not important, I do not know what to say to you. It seems to me that it is very important (Read Exodus 25-31 in your studies).

You are a Temple of God

The Tabernacle itself was not very attractive, but inside is where the holy of holies dwelt; where God took up residence on the mercy seat. In Exodus 25:22 God tells Moses, “And there will I meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy set…”

Now, the tabernacle is still alive today. Some believers think that things under the laws of Moses are done away with. But I’m here to tell you that is not true! We are the living tabernacle, not made by man’s hands. O Glory! Hallelujah! Jesus set up this “true tabernacle” (Hebrews 8:2) unto sanctification and honor which resides in our hearts, and has put the laws of the Ten Commandments into our minds (Hebrew 8:10). If we do this, God will be with us, and we shall be His children.

Don’t you realize that your body is a sacred place

How can we get this Shekinah glory of God to dwell in us today? Psalm 22:3 tells us that God, “…inhabitest the praises of Israel.” And we learned that God say that He will meet us at holy of holies, which was inside the holy place. Where is that place today? “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” -1 Corinthians 6:19

Didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? If God dwells in praise, then the thing you must do is fill this building with praise, and God will come down and live in it. This is the Shekinah glory of God that delivers, heals, and set people free from all kinds of bondages.

Let me share something A. W. Tozer said about true worshippers:

“Strange things are happening all around us in Christian circles because we are not truly worshipers. For instance, any untrained, unprepared, unspiritual empty rattletrap of a person can start something “religious” and find plenty of followers who will listen and promote it! Beyond that, it may become very evident that he or she had never heard from God in the first place. All of the examples we have in the Bible illustrate that glad and devoted and reverent worship is the normal employment of human beings. Every glimpse that is given us of heaven and of God’s created beings is always a glimpse of worship and rejoicing and praise-because God is who He is! Because we are not truly worshipers, we spend a lot of time in the churches just spinning our wheels; making a noise but not getting anywhere. What are we going to do about this awesome, beautiful worship that God calls for? I would rather worship God than do any other thing I know of in all this wide world!”

Worship and Bow down before the Lord

I could not have said it better than Mr. Tozer. “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. For he is our God…” –Psalms 95:6-7a

As we praise the Lord and begin to ascend to heaven in our spiritual worship; which is a reasonable service (Romans 12:1-2). God sees it, that’s what He is looking for (John 4:24), and begin to descend from Heaven towards our living tabernacles; our meeting and our communion place. Jesus paid our sin price on the cross, once and for all. So, we could keep the building and take care of it until He remodels it for eternity. When His glory falls on our temple, you will be made alive through the blood of Christ. This glory can be shown on your face, the light of God’s presence, in the same way it was in the Old Testament Tabernacle. Whoever comes into contact with you will repent of their sins, and be set free by the glory of God! Do you remember in the O.T. when the glory fell in the tabernacle? It would kill anything that was not right. That’s why the priest sprinkled blood once a year as atonement for the sins of the people. Glory, Glory for Jesus our High Priest!! He went into the Holies of Holy once and for all for the sins of the world (Hebrews 9:12). You can now go freely to the Throne Room in an acceptable manner and worship.

Until next time, continue to be blessed and Praise the Lord!

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